Useful insights at random intervals
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Make decisions
Failing to make a decision is the cinematic equivalent of Gwyneth Paltrow just spending the full 90 minutes of the movie sitting at the train station scrolling Facebook on her phone. When we fail to make decisions we fail to create the future.
Be prolific
I think the productivity gurus who’ve found success through discipline need to broaden their perspective and see that it’s not discipline specifically and universally that drives prolific output, but instead that each individual needs to find their path to action in prolific abundance.
For those that lack discipline
Enthusiasm is what drives me, not discipline. I suspect I’m not the only one.
Pricing your services
When we’re faced with a purchasing decision, we take into account all the variables (in this case, Nick is planning to live in this house for decades, and he wants the job done properly). When we’re pricing our own services, fear causes us to massively amplify the influence of the cost.
I’m going to…
Once you feel you’re calibrating into an impeccable relationship with your word, you can start to leverage its awesome power.
Feeling guilty about guilt
Look, it’s really hard to stop feeling guilty about things you could have done better. But you can stop the whole guilt train that comes afterwards.
Arrogance not required
Building a personal brand for esteem, money, recognition, power, leverage, etc… isn't compelling for most people, because most people aren't (and don't want to be) contrived, inauthentic, or artificial.
The impulsive superpower
Any traditional productivity training would tell you that I’d just made a terrible decision, to abandon a task mid-stream to follow an impulse.
The cumulative diary
Being exposed to the process so closely, I recently realised why I’m foolish not to be doing the same.
Important vs Obvious
In my opinion this might be the single-greatest contributor to poor decision-making in the world today.
Creativity always outpaces productivity.
Prioritisation is therefore the key to productivity.
The paradox of diversity
The paradox of diversity is that a space made for everyone is a space that appeals to no-one. Our political desire for diversity of opportunity and opinion is well justified—your likelihood of success in life should not be decided (or even influenced) by where you’re born, what you look like, or who you love.
An autocratic anarchistic democratic meritocracy
At this point in history, political science suggests that there is no ideal solution to human organisation, and that elements of most political systems have both utility and deficiencies.
The obstacle is the way
As Marcus Aurelius so aptly put it almost 2000 years ago, “the obstacle is the way”.