Work less. Make more.
Make money meaningfully, and freedomfully.
If you’re looking for my help building your solo business, you can apply for 1:1 mentoring, or join the first cohort of The Solo Program!
The Solo Program launched in February 2024. Dispel the fears and second-guessing. Share your wins. Seek (and receive) great advice, so you can stop stressing and get back to doing your best work.
There’s no denying it, solo business has its pros and cons. With The Solo Program removing the loneliness, isolation and uncertainty, however, the list of pros far outweighs the list of cons!
You can find all the details here.
One-on-one mentoring
If you’re looking for personalised, one-on-one assistance to launch your business, or to take it to the next level, I may have availability. Ranging in cost from $3,000-$12,000 depending on your needs, simply book in a call with me to discuss your situation and we can work out a plan for your success.

Work 1000 hours a year (or less), for $500 an hour (or more).
“Your metaphors and creative ways of sharing a concept help make building my business possible.”
“Great reframes and energy. Loved it! Hugely worthwhile. Thanks Col.”
“Col delivers so much energy (and value).”
“Got me out of my head and into action.”
For those of us who value freedom, there’s never been a better time to be in business.
In the old paradigm, you could choose to be an entrepreneur (start a business) or an intrapreneur (join a business). One required you to sell your freedom, the other to sell your soul.
In the last couple of decades a third choice has appeared: the solopreneur (be a business).
In this new, liminal space exists a wonderful opportunity to work 1000 hours a year (or less), for $500 an hour (or more).
Work less, make more.
Late-stage capitalism is pretty boring. By some measures, worker productivity has tripled since 1960, so why are people working 50+ hour weeks? Executives aren’t universally bad people, but it’s become clear that the modern systems of corporate governance will reliably produce long hours, useless meetings, toxic hierarchies and tedious busywork.
If that’s not for you, I totally get it.
You deserve to make money meaningfully, and freedomfully.
Where you live, when you work, how you work… these are all decisions you want and deserve to be able to make for yourself, based on your own preferences. And packaged up correctly, your experience and expertise combine to be extremely valuable. Done right, you know there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to work less and make more.
For those reasons and more, you felt the pull.
You’ll happily work with large organisations, you just don’t want to work for one.
Your path is clear: become a successful solo pro.
Register your interest
If you want to be kept in the loop regarding the release of the upcoming book, and any events, webcasts or programs we’re running, enter your details below.
“Working with Col is really stretching me and it’s excitingly uncomfortable. The process is taking my thinking—and my business—to another level.”
“Such a great session - a timely reminder that I spend too much time focused on effort! Time to roll the dice.”
“Col’s energy, enthusiasm and authenticity is infectious and inspiring.”
“Col, you deliver wisdom with so much fun. Thank you! ”
“Thanks for an energy-filled session.”
“It was great to spend an hour focusing on how to build my business.”
“I always love learning from Col - always practical!”
“Lots of little nuggets of practical inspiration!”
“Well worth the time.”
“An injection of fizz and bubbles in a flat world!”
“Always so much value from Cols work.”

“Col runs the most insightful and entertaining online programs of anyone I know. He knows his stuff so well, is engaging, down-to-earth and always shares lots of practical and implementable advice.”
Articles for solo pro’s

“I just stepped out of a session with Col, and I’m gobsmacked. In 45 minutes, Col took me from frustration and confusion with a key part of my service offering to total calm and clarity about the value and structure. Col asks all the right questions, has incredibly deep expertise to draw on and brings real, no-bullshit commercial insight. My second book, my leadership training and most importantly, my clients, will all benefit from Col’s ability to strike to the heart of exactly what I’m saying, and exactly what I’m selling.”