Useful insights at random intervals
“Of all the newsletters I see, The Fink Tank is by far the best. Thank you!”—Roy
The constant tension between your two selves
The experiencing self is the one that has to actually show up and do the work.
Here's why you're a bit f___ed up.
Building an identity is like bricklaying a house… except that you start laying the bricks when you’re two.
Are you too polite to ask for what you want?
One of the things about life that I’m most grateful for is being surrounded by incredible good people. I barely know anyone who I think is a complete bastard 😂
"I hate marketing..."
I’ve heard so many people say they hate marketing (and/or sales, same thing really).
“I don’t understand myself”
Do you ever think to yourself “I don’t understand myself” (usually in the hours after doing something incredibly awkward or stupid)?
Marketing or management, you (must) choose
When you decide to start your own business, if you’re planning to succeed you’re committing to learn one of two skills: marketing or management.
Faff space
I believe your productivity and creativity is a function of your energy much more than your time, and creating defined spaces for creation and consumption—for working and for faffing—can be an extremely useful strategy for guiding and crafting the wave function that being you really is.
Creator or consumer?
At it’s core is a pretty simple concept. There’s a ‘pro’ version of you, and an ‘amateur’ version of you. Most people live as the amateur. Pressfield calls his amateur “the addict”, and his pro “the artist”.
Strategic insights drawn from a 90's playlist on Spotify
“We are kept from our goal not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal.”
躾 "Shitsuke" Being strict while being kind
Shitsuke has a meaning resembling “discipline without punishment, as one would give a small child or pet”.
Humiliation and shame and unanswered email...
Procrastination is almost always the child of fear or shame, and so it is that I can become a prisoner trapped on the outside of my own inbox. To describe living in that state as being “far from effortless” would be an understatement of the highest order.
You forget a lot more than you remember.
Whether you want to go all-in and try building a second brain, or just start capturing good ideas somewhere, I think adopting a habit of recording your ideas and the sources that inspire them is of enormous value; professionally, socially, intellectually, spiritually, and… yeah, pretty much all the -ally’s.
Everyone thinks about money
You can either spend your energy thinking about earning money, or spend your energy thinking about spending it.
Experiment with your energy
*Faffing is wasting time, in case you aren’t familiar with Australian vernacular. A fortnight is two weeks, for those not familiar with British vernacular.
The cost of inaction
When the mathematics of the universe plays out, having a bias for action is a superpower. Cultivate it however you can.