This is the life

It's been about a month since the last FINK TANK, and Deakin (our nearly two-year-old) has brought something for show and tell...


Her name is Darwin. We all love her to bits. She arrived in an unexpected rush, and if I do 29 more deliveries I can become a certified midwife! 😂

Honestly, if you'd asked me if I wanted to deliver my own child in the bathroom at home I would have said DEFINITELY NOT, but the experience turned out to be completely magical. It's funny how easy it is to do something when you don't have a choice, and how often we're wrong about what we think we want to do. Despite what I thought about it before the fact, I wouldn't change it for anything now.

Since then, the last month has been a sort of chaotic bliss. We've done not a lot of anything, and yet the days are absolutely filled.

You may or may not know that our home life is slightly unconventional. We live on a small farm in an extended family group (that's the cool way to say "I live with my mum"), and there's always something happening around here. In particular, Mish failed to do the mathematics when placing our Billy goat in with the Does, and subsequently Darwin is not the only kid in the house!


This kid is the child of Valentino Rossi and Elizabeth Blackburn (all of our goats are named after someone we consider the G.O.A.T. in their field). She's one of nine, so far... there's more to come!

I'm slowly going to start dipping my toes into work again, and I'm excited about a few pieces of work I've got scheduled for release soon, including Real Speaking Returns - a resource for executives, directors, partners and professionals seeking to leverage the commercial impact 
of public speaking opportunities, which will be released in the next two weeks, and an as-yet-unnamed diagnostic tool designed to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a speaker, and provide a roadmap for the shortest path to massive improvement.

Thanks for being part of my world, I'm loving every minute of it.

This is the life.

P.S. — If you’ve been sent here by a friend and found it useful, you can sign up to the Fink Tank here.

Cover photo by Emma Gossett on Unsplash

Seek simplicity


Fix nervous with service