This year, my word is RHYTHM

This year, my word is RHYTHM

I thought I might show you all my new phone lock screen, and share the story of it.

Like many in the Thought Leaders community, I like to choose a word for the year. A thematic guide to help me make decisions and focus on the things that are important to me. Sometimes these words resonate more deeply that I expect and I keep them for more than a year. Other times they don't, and I move on after a month or two.

This year, my word is RHYTHM.

I'm a drummer. Have played drums since I was nine years old. Can you imagine buying a nine year old an acoustic drum kit!? My parents must have been mad. Anyway, I played it every day for a decade. I have comfortably logged 10,000 hours with sticks in hand.

Last year, Matt Church remarked that when I am in flow, I move to an invisible beat. When I'm the best version of myself on stage, you can see a rhythm in me. (He is surely one of the most insightful people I've ever met, I'd never even noticed that about myself, at least not consciously).

I started thinking about rhythm, and how it shows up in my life. I identified some wonderful, useful rhythms that guide my behaviour and help me show up as the best version of myself. I also noticed some clumsy, out-of-sync behaviours that are decidely arrhythmical, and don't serve me well.

And so RHYTHM has become my word. I've chosen three reminders to help me focus on the things I want to improve:

SYNCOPATION. This is a drumming term I'm using to represent the idea that "the right moment" lasts only a moment. As the fourth beat of the bar approaches, you HAVE to play the snare drum. If you delay for even a split second, the moment is gone. You can't play the snare on 4-and-a-bit! Similarly, there are 'right moments' in life, even very small ones. The right time to clear the dishes, or reply to that email. When the moment approaches, it needs to be done. This year I'll live a syncopated life.

SILENCE. The best rhythms have gaps, pauses, soft sections, and silence. A beautiful rhythm is as much about what you DON'T play as what you do. This year I'm going to do less. There will be more space, more pause, and more silence. (In a more literal sense I imagine Deakin might fill a bunch of that silence , the important thing is my life will have space for him to do so).

SOLO. I'm a really good drummer. When I play a show with a band, at some point people want to see me really light it up. I have a talent that few people do, and I think the universe wants me to use it. Every now and then, it's time for me to play a solo. This year, I will do this in more aspects of life than just behind the kit.

So there you have it. This is my year of RHYTHM.

What's your word... and why?


The most valuable idea I've uncovered in the last five years


What unuseful labels are you carrying around?