The most valuable idea I've uncovered in the last five years

At this time of great challenges, I want to give away something significant. So, here is the most valuable idea I've uncovered in the last five years.

In a nutshell: whenever people remain engaged in a tribe, around their career, hobby, or anything else, they're following a simple four-step cycle. The steps are: - Learning - Challenge - Progress - Contribution

It's a continuous loop. They learn something new, take it out into the world and be challenged, make progress and earn a reward, and then contribute something back to their tribe... and then go around again. As long as the loop keeps happening, people remain engaged.

In the coming weeks and months, LOTS of people are going to feel like the world is sending them a never-ending challenge that can't be surmounted, and they're going to want to disengage (from the tribe, from their career, maybe even from life 😢). Maybe it'll happen to you.

If so, reset your loop. Step out of the challenge, and find something new to learn. Make a smaller loop, with a smaller challenge. Give yourself (or the person you're helping) a chance to make progress and experience the reward... and to offer something back to the community. That'll create momentum that drives you into the next learning and the next challenge.


What makes people stay?


This year, my word is RHYTHM