How to use this blog

Let me start with an excerpt from my new book, Speakership.

You probably already know that there are two ways to enjoy a magic show. The first is to suspend disbelief, to sit in the audience and be amazed when the elephant disappears, or the beautiful assistant is sliced in half, or the magician steps off the platform and hovers in mid-air. It’s an enjoyable way to spend an evening, to be treated to an exciting and entertaining show.

The second way to enjoy a magic show is quite the opposite, and rarely do the two kinds of people like to sit next to each other while the show is on! These folks try to deconstruct every illusion, to try to understand what’s really going on. This kind of observer spends the night craning their head this way and that, trying to spy the mirror, or the false floor, avoiding the distraction of the magician’s pure white glove to spy the man in the black outfit in darkness behind.

This blog will feature ideas and memes that I want to share. Some will be specifically relevant to my expertise (culture curation, leading out loud, generation why), while others will just be my opinions and views on a variety of subjects.

My great hope is that you will view everything shared on this blog in the manner of the second observer at the magic show - with expanded awareness. Enjoy the content (whether you agree or disagree), but always keep an eye on the meta structure above the matter.


When care is the context