Judge, Jury, and Elocutioner
When you’re preparing to present to an audience, whether you’re:
facilitating a discussion
presenting to a board
leading a training program, or
the keynote presenter at a conference
…try to bear in mind that the audience isn’t there to judge your performance.
You’re there to improve their lives.
The measure of your performance is not “how good you were” on stage. The true measure of your performance was how that time impacted the audience and changed the thread of their work and life in the future.
Getting out of the first mindset and into the second will almost always improve your effectiveness and, funnily enough, help to dissolve your nervousness (or at least reframe it into a positive light) too.
Did you know you can sign up for the Solo Program and pay only $1,000 between now and February next year? This is a fantastic opportunity to set yourself up for an amazing new year. Spend the summer living meaningfully and freedomfully and join our supportive community of fellow solopreneurs. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your growth and success!