Invisibility is your biggest barrier

Invisibility is your biggest barrier to success, and to solve it, you have to learn to make progress on your projects in public.

The stereotypical way to write a book is to lock yourself away in a proverbial ivory tower, toil away in silence for months, and then appear—exhausted but triumphant—with a finished manuscript... at which point you collapse into a heap and lack the energy to promote the damn thing.

The better way, as demonstrated by my friend Hannah Brown is to write your book in public.


Share the progress and the thinking as it develops. Include your audience in the process.

You'll write a better book, and you'll develop an eager group of readers as you go.

The danger for a solo pro is not the threat of someone stealing your ideas... it's the danger of no-one ever finding out about them. Whether you’re writing a book, designing a sales page, building a training program, whatever you’re doing… aim to make progress in public.

It's much more profitable (and once you get over the initial fear, much easier too).



Did you know you can sign up for the Solo Program and pay only $1,000 between now and February next year? This is a fantastic opportunity to set yourself up for an amazing new year. Spend the summer living meaningfully and freedomfully and join our supportive community of fellow solopreneurs. Don’t miss out on this chance to invest in your growth and success!


Judge, Jury, and Elocutioner


You don’t need to avoid exchanging time for money