Forget productive, be effective

I'm not a fan of the cult of productivity. It feels like the energetic manifestation of the same capitalistic tendencies that give rise to limitless consumerism.

Work more! Do more! Create more! More more more! MOAR!

It's inherently unsustainable, and I don't wish to participate in it. I reckon when most people try to be more productive, the actual effect is that they simply spend more time working. They aim for productivity, but the real outcome is just time spent sitting at a desk, staring at a computer.

If that feels like it might be describing you, you might find it useful to shift your focus from being productive to being effective instead. You may not get more done, but you will have more impact. You'll work less, it'll work more.

F~ck being productive. Be effective.

Spend the rest of your time enjoying every waking minute you have on this little mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.


"What's the secret to your success?" is the wrong question


Professionalism is an engagement killer