One In A Million

As we head towards a new year, you might be starting to dream about your future.

You might have your eye on a promotion, or a career change.

You might be gearing up to start a new hobby.

You might be imagining the person you could be in a year, or three, or five, or ten, and filled with excitement and optimism.

And, you might be wishing that you were born with the natural athletic talents of Cathy Freeman or Usain Bolt, or the oratory skills of Barack Obama or Oprah Winfrey. You might be wishing you had the mind of Marie Curie, or looked like Brad Pitt.

It’s easy to wish you had some innate talent that made you one-in-a-million, but, statistically, you almost certainly don’t.

Does that mean you’ll never stand out? Does it mean you can never be exceptional? Does it mean you could never be truly world class at something meaningful?

I don’t think so.

I love the idea that normal people can do abnormally cool things. I’ve long been intrigued by people who manage to achieve extraordinary things and become truly one-in-a-million, despite lacking a single particular inherent trait or talent that totally sets them apart.

I’ve met Alisa Camplin, Australia’s second-ever winter Olympic gold medallist, and was happily surprised to discover she’s a completely normal person, despite her extraordinary achievements.

I’ve never met Brandon Stanton - the man behind Humans of New York - but I’m struck by how completely normal he seems to be despite creating the most successful Facebook page ever (and the attendant runaway success of his books, charitable works, and other projects).

Forgive my bias, but I also marvel at my wife, who is the most successful Australian ultimate frisbee player of all time. It’s an exceptional achievement for a thoroughly normal person.

I’ve been admiring these ordinary-but-extraordinary people, and wondering about the secrets of their success. 

In particular, I've been wondering how others could unpack these successes to be used as a framework for creating similar success for themselves.

And I think I’ve come up with a way to make it happen.

For you.

I’m calling it the One-in-a-Million Method, and it’s a strategy designed to help you uncover and understand your personal strengths, and apply them in new and creative ways to become truly world class.

A way to intersect your natural aptitudes with your learned skills and set yourself apart from… everyone!

It’s an idea that’s currently in draft form, and I want to share it with a small group of people over this Christmas break, to see if it can help you imagine new possibilities, see your full potential, put together an action plan, and (hopefully, maybe) transform your life.

It’s open to all normal people who would love to achieve abnormally good results.

What do you think, are you in?

It’s going to take the form of four zoom sessions over the month of January, and it’ll be completely free.

My most optimistic hope is that it completely transforms your life, and I think it’ll be a wholly positive experience whether it reaches that lofty goal or not.

If it works, and it’s free, it’s a pretty damn good deal, don’t you think!?

And what do I get out of your participation? I’m planning to write a book based on this idea, and this introductory pilot program will give me the chance to work with you and a bunch of other wonderful peeps road-testing the ideas.

Together, no doubt we’ll be finding flaws, uncovering gaps, suggesting improvements and generally helping to refine the process and bring it closer to the point that it’s ready to be unleashed on the world.

I’m confident I can help you, and I know that in doing so, you’ll be helping me.

Win-win, right? Great!

If you’re a normal person intent on leading an extraordinary life, I reckon this might just be the thing for you.

Sign up below to register your interest, and I’ll see you in January