A better way to start writing a presentation

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Once you've got a presentation locked in with a date in the calendar, your mind naturally turns to preparation. The question you probably ask yourself, explicitly or implicitly, is "what am I going to say?"

The problem with this as a first step is that it's a step in the wrong direction. Your presentation is not about you, and it's not about what you say. Your presentation is about the audience, and what they think, and what they might do as a result of their experience with you.

Next time you've got a presentation coming up, avoid thinking "what am I going to say?"

Instead, start by thinking "What do I want them to do?", and see where your mind takes you from there.

If you want your presentations to have a positive commercial impact, it's a step in the right direction.

P.S. — If you know a professional (accountant, consultant, economist, engineer, lawyer, researcher, etc.) who speaks to drive commercial goals (or they should), please send them the link to this article.

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[ Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash ]


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